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Workout Camps : Football(Punting & Kicking)

4th Down Sports offers Coaches and Athletes elite level training in their area of specialization(Punting, Kicking, or Long Snapping) through the following events:

  • Pro Training Camps
  • Pro Punter/Kicker Combine
  • Individual Instruction

 Their events will:

  • provide technical training
  • provide motivation
  • challenge each Coach or Athlete to "Be the BEST"

The 4th Down Sports Pro Training Program is designed for three types of athletes. 

  • It is for the college athlete who has completed their eligibility and desires to prepare for a potential pro football career.
  • It is for the free agent athlete who wants to improve their chances to make a pro football team.
  • It is for the current professional athlete who desires to sharpen their technical skills and maintain their competitive edge against the rising young athletes.

 The Pro Training Camp Program is centered on developing productive professional punters and kickers. There are many talented athletes who cannot produce the consistent results necessary to make a professional team. Their weakness is their ability to perform ON COMMAND. This is inability is centered on inconsistent technical skills and inability to focus mentally on each repetition. 

The Pro Punter and Kicker Combine is for those athletes aspiring to be a professional punter or kicker. This is an opportunity to perform for professional football scouts, coaches or professional team representatives.

 Individual Instruction is available To provide athletes with the opportunity to work one-on-one with a staff member of 4th Down Sports for punting or kicking instruction.

For more information on 4th Down Sports  please contact the Sports-Management.com Personal Advisor nearest you.

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